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Marietje van de Moosdijk / Verbeek

In memory of


Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Daughter from:

Past Away:



Married with:



Great Grandchildren:

Cor Verbeek, Antoinette Vrijsen/Verbeek, Hans Verbeek

Marietje, Maria van den Moosdijk / Verbeek

17 June 1928

Eindhoven, Nederland

Cornelia Maria Heujerjans (1895) and Johanbes Carolus 

Nicolaas, Xaverius Verbeek, Past away (link to Nico Verbeek)

van de Moosdijk (1900)

2011, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

82 Year

Roman Catholic

Collin Verwoord,  Justin Verwoord, Lars Kleij, Lente Kleij

Nicole Verbeek, Pascalle Vrijsen, Roy Verbeek,

Nicky Verbeek

Mike Verbeek, Joey Verbeek, Kayle Verbeek

More info

Photo Gallery

Her favorite music

Favorite music max 10 songs in the basic QR page.

More favorite music, in combination with an extra page

Louis Armstong

What a wonderful world

Ray Charles

Hit the road Jack

Roland Keiser

Warum hast du nicht nein gesagt

Julio Iglesias

Agua dulce agua sale

Her favorite Video Clips

More Videoclips possible via extra page .....

ask us for the possibilities !!!

Her Favorites

For example her Favorite,  Books, Films, Series, TV programs, Artist, Holiday destination, etc etc

Her favorites can be placed here and linked to pop-ups. The basic QR page includes 4 favorite pop-ups

Her Hobbies

* Dancing * To knit * Cook

* Read * TV * Vacation

Possible link to a hobby page with photo and text

"Keep de memory Alive"

Start - Stop background music