Nico Verbeek
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Daughter from:
Past Away:
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Great Grandchildren:
Nicolaas Xaverius Verbeek
28 September 1930
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
1983 , Eindhoven, The Netherlands
53 Year
Roman Catholic
Marietje, Maria van den Moosdijk
Cor Verbeek, Antoinette Vrijsen/Verbeek, Hans Verbeek, Nicky Verbeek
Nicole Verwoord/Verbeek, Pascalle Kleij/Vrijsen, Roy Verbeek, Mike Verbeek,
Joey Verbeek, Kayle Verbeek
Collin Verwoord, Justin Verwoord, Lars Kleij, Lente Kleij
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